Affective disorders are often found among pathological gamblers.Īnti-social personality disorder (ASPD): A disorder characterized by extreme anti-social behavior, usually beginning in childhood and often accompanied by a lack of remorse and a disregard of punishment. Examples include depression and bipolar disorder (manic-depression). See also controlled gambling.Īffective disorder: A category of disorders in which the individual experiences excessive depression or elation. Abstinence is the goal of Gamblers Anonymous and most, though not all, treatment professionals. However, the reader should note that within the scientific and treatment communities there is often no consensus on the exact meanings of some of these terms.Ībstinence: The theory that a pathological gambler in recovery must completely abstain from all gambling.
Several sources were used in the compilation of this glossary most notable are The International Dictionary of Psychology (second edition) by Stuart Sutherland (Crossroad Publishing, 1996) and The Penguin Dictionary of Psychology (second edition) by Arthur Reber (Penguin Books, 1995). This glossary is intended as a guide to help the reader through the literature relating to problem and pathological gambling.